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Odorless Conversion of Food Waste within 3 Hours

food-cycler - homeNow you can have an extremely easy tool for turning your kitchen waste into useful manure for your garden! Food Cycle Science has introduced its new appliance named Food Cycler: Home, which does this job upon just pushing a button.

The appliance is about 1 cubic foot in size and the company claims that it provides an odorless drying process which takes only 3 hours. The Food Cycler: Home has been created as a convenient substitute to the conventional composting techniques.

However, the comfort comes at a cost! The extremely handy appliance costs $499. But Food Cycle Science has provided a little consolation saying that the appliance will actually sell for $399 at big-box stores after being shipped out in May. Consumers can also preorder through the Indiegogo campaign of Food Cycler, wherein Food Cycle Science promises to ship one of the first 150 appliances made in the North America, together with an additional set of filters, for a guarantee of $399 or more.

Easy to Use

The usage of Food Cyclers seems very easy. You just have deposit your food waste in the machine, put the lid and push the power button, and you’re done! Just within some hours, you will get a small basket of nutrient-rich manure. Once you empty the unit, the basket can be washed for an easy cleanup in the dishwasher.

push a button

What can be Composted?

In the Food Cycler, you can compost common food wastes like coffee grounds, citrus rinds, bones, shells, pits and scarps. Food Cycle Science claims that even a full McDonald’s hamburger can be handled well by the device.

Once you start a cycle, the device makes use of a combination of agitation and heat to peacefully sanitize your food waste and break it down to smaller pieces, with a carbon filtration technique designed to get rid of odor.

The Food Cycler doesn’t require any water or chemicals, and also need not be vented or drained. So, all you need is an electric connection.

High Price

Still the reduced price of $399 is awfully high as compared to the outdoor composting devices, which generally cost from $100 to $200. And the simple in-home canister systems cost as low as $30 or even less. However, ecoconscious consumers will possibly like this convenient in-home alternative (that works even in a small apartment).

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