3 Simple Tips to Get Perfect Granite for Your Kitchen Countertop
You have decided that you’ll have a granite countertop but are now confused about which one to choose. There are vast majority of factors to consider while choosing the right countertop. There are so many colors, flawlessness, smoothness and what not! But don’t worry; these simple tips will certainly make your job simple and you’ll have your hands on a perfect countertop. Here they are.
1. Mostly the First Slab that Won Your Heart is the Best One
Yes, it’s not imaginary; it’s simple psychology. You may visit shops after shops and are dizzied with the variety that kept coming before you. But do you remember the slab which won your heart and you wowed at it? That’s your perfect slab, most of the times. It’s because you have the colors of your kitchen floor and cabinets in mind and had imagined which color of countertop will go well with them. When that color came before you, it caught your attention. So, instead of getting exhausted with exploring numerous shops, go back to the shop where you saw the wowing granite and recheck it. Most probably it will be the perfect one.
2. It Need Not Glitter
You might have been attracted towards those granites which contained a lot of shiny Mica flakes. But if you are a busy mom to school-going children who cooks a lot in kitchen to meet the demands of your growing children, your granite should be robust and withstand the impacts of energetic children and spills they will make; in that case, a glittery granite countertop may not be a perfect choice for you. Most of the times the glittery granites may not even be granites geologically, but actually they are schist stones which are quite brittle that can easily chip and crack. So, prefer genuine granite that need not glitter. Phoenix Granite Countertops are genuine and dependable. Find your perfect granite in such places.
3. Don’t Fall in the Trap of A, B, C and D
You will find that granites are priced depending upon A, B, C etc. categories up to F. You’ll also find that A grade granite is cheaper and price rises with the grades with the F grade being the most expensive. You may think that A grade granite is of the lowest quality, while F grade is the highest quality. However, the A, B, C, D etc. categories are for pricing only and not regarding any functional quality. So, don’t fall in that trap. Just check if the granite is flawless and free from chips or cracks and that’s it.
Follow these tips and you will get the perfect granite for your kitchen countertop.